Mayor's Corner

Working grow Melville

June 2024

Melville City Council was deeply saddened by the untimely accidental death of Councilor Todd Brooks. Councilor Brooks served on the council for two terms diligently working for the betterment of our community. Deepest sympathies are extended to his wife Brenda, daughters Tapanga and Hermione and their extended family.

To date, the month of June has been jam-packed with activities. The Melville Dance Association hosted a well attended dance finale on May 25-26th head-lined as, “The Next Stage.”  On May 30th  the annual Army Cadet  inspection and review occurred at the Legion Hall. We congratulate the Cadets on another successful year, and we commend the leadership team for all their support.

The Melville Agri-Park committee hosted an exciting chariot-chuckwagon event on June 1st and 2nd. It was amazing to see the number of participants that were so involved in these races. 

The Melville Youth Group in conjunction with the Melville Comprehensive School and the City of Melville hosted its first ever Color Run. This five-kilometer event had stations located at different intervals where powders of many different colors were sprayed on the passing runners. A large number of youth and adults took part in this unique activity. Funds raised will be used to provide for other future events.

Melville Comprehensive School awards occurred on June 11 where students were recognized for their academic and sport-based activities. The students are to be commended for their scholastic achievements. We congratulate the MCS students who graduate this year and move on to new and exciting future endeavors. Graduation exercises occur on Wednesday, June 26 at CN Centre.

Hats off to Larry Kreklewich a 50-year kidney transplant survivor who recently hosted the community, “Transplant Trot.”

Did you know that CN dug shallow wells just south of the city to supply fresh water to their passenger train clients?

April 2024

One of the benefits of an early budget approval process is the prompt response from interested contractors. It is our hope that we can get an early start on some of our major roadwork as well as attending to sidewalks, and repairing lift station #3, as well as our other 2024 projects.

Our city proclaimed April 7, 2024, as Green Shirt Day in support of organ donations. This organ donation campaign gained support and prominence when Humboldt Bronco, Logan Boulet became an organ donor. Logan died in the Humboldt Bronco Bus crash in 2018. 

The Melville Millionaires, after a very successful season hosted their Spring Camp with a good response from prospective future Millionaires from many Saskatchewan and Alberta communities.  

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association annual conference was held in Regina on April 14-17th with municipal representatives throughout the whole of our province in attendance. After much discussion a new SUMA organizational structure was approved, resolutions were presented and debated, sector meetings took place, and many one-on-one delegate discussion opportunities occurred.

On Saturday, April 20th our city hosted the 4-H Provincial Youth Public Speaking competitions with representatives from many different areas of Saskatchewan. We commend our youth presenters for their most informative topics. 

Every year we focus our Spring Clean-Up efforts on International Earth Day which occurs on April 22nd. While our clean-up efforts extend well beyond the 22nd it does serve as a reminder to tidy up our yards, boulevards, public spaces, and properties.

Did you know that in 1967 the Melville area had the highest livestock density in Saskatchewan?

January 2024

There was a time that we thought winter would never come. Surprise! Surprise! Winter is here with its full vengeance – snowstorms, wind, bus cancellations and the chilling cold. But we see hope with the slow increase of the daylight sun and soon into another season.

I had the pleasure of attending the year-end Annual Meeting of the Melville and District Agri-Park Association on January 11, 2024, and was totally impressed by the summary of exciting activities and events that occurred at their site during the last and preceding years. All the best to President Jedlicka and the directorship as they continue to seek out new recreational and entertainment venues for our community. Good news from President Dubreuil of Suncrest College who informed us about the registration process now in place for Firefighter training at our Fire School with another session being offered later in the fall. Also presently offered is the Primary Care Paramedic Certification program. More Information is available at Suncrest College.

On January 17 Melville Comprehensive School hosted its first ever Melville and District Job Fair. The Job Fair included an afternoon session for students from Melville and Area and the evening session for our citizens. A host of organizations and local businesses were present to provide information on various employment and training opportunities in Melville and Area.  The Job Fair was a very successful Melville Comprehensive School initiative.

Hats off to the City Public Works Department who has been logging in 24- hour snow clearing operations during our recent winter storms. 

Did you know that the water we drink travels 32 kilometers from a deep well south of Killaly via a 16-inch pipeline?